Winter Olympic sports

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Speed skating

"A photo-illustrated book for elementary readers about Olympic speedskating. Includes descriptions of each of the men's and women's long and short races. Readers will get a primer to some rules and athletes that may participate in the 2018 PeyongChang, South Korea Winter Olympic Games. Includes Q&A feature, table of contents, glossary, further resources, and index"--.
Cover image of Speed skating


"A photo-illustrated book for elementary readers about Olympic snowboarding. Includes descriptions of slopestyle, halfpipe, snowboard cross, and parallel slalom events, along with the new big air event. Readers will get a primer to some rules and athletes that may participate in the 2018 PeyongChang, South Korea Winter Olympic Games. Includes Q&A feature, table of contents, glossary, further resources"--.
Cover image of Snowboarding

Figure skating

"A photo-illustrated book for elementary readers about Olympic figure skating. Includes descriptions of men's and women's singles program, ice dancing, pairs skating, and the team figure skating events. Readers will get a primer to some rules and athletes that may participate in the Winter Olympic Games. Includes Q&A feature, table of contents, glossary, further resources, and index"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Figure skating

Bobsled and luge

"A photo-illustrated book for elementary readers about Olympic bobsled, luge, and skeleton events. Includes descriptions of each of these men's and women's sliding sports. Readers will get a primer to some rules and athletes that may participate in the 2018 PeyongChang, South Korea Winter Olympic Games. Includes Q&A feature, table of contents, glossary, further resources, and index"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Bobsled and luge

Figure skating


Biathlon, cross-country, ski jumping, and nordic combined

Experience the excitement of Olympic ski jumping, cross country skiing, and biathlon.

Paralympic sports events

Describes various Paralympic sports events and includes photographs and a peek at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

Figure skating

Provides a history on the Olympic sport of figure skating covering facts and statistics as well as dramatic stories and color photographs.


Traces the history, tricks and stunts, and people of this Winter Olympic sport.

Alpine and freestyle skiing

Provides an overview of all the Olympic events in both Alpine and freestyle skiing, along with fun facts, amazing stats, and a look at some of the most outstanding competitors.


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