
Topical Term

Rebel Cinderella

from rags to riches to radical, the epic journey of Rose Pastor Stokes
"[The] . . . story of an immigrant sweatshop worker who married an heir to a great American fortune and became one of the most charismatic radical leaders of her time"--Provided by publisher.

Born criminal

Matilda Joslyn Gage, radical suffragist
A biography of the feminist, writer, and suffragist Matilda Joslyn Gage. The author explores Gage's life, including her rise and fall within the movement she helped build.
Cover image of Born criminal

Failure is impossible

Susan B. Anthony in her own words
A biography of feminist Susan B. Anthony that includes selections from her speeches, letters and quotes.
Cover image of Failure is impossible

The education of a woman

the life of Gloria Steinem
Relates feminist Gloria Steinem's life including her childhood, careers in journalism and writing, and role in the feminist movement.
Cover image of The education of a woman

Bound feet & Western dress

Tells the story of the author's great-aunt Chang Yu-i, a woman who challenged Chinese tradition by refusing to have her feet bound, marrying and divorcing preeminent poet Hsu Chih-mo, and running the Shanghai Women's Savings Bank during the 1930s.

The world according to Garp

The son of a famous radical feminist spends his life struggling with his diverse personal relationships and with his ambition to be a writer.

Susan B. Anthony

Examines the life of Susan B. Anthony in a simple, age-appropriate way that will help children develop word recognition and reading skills.
Cover image of Susan B. Anthony

The guilty feminist

you don't have to be perfect to overthrow the patriarchy
Deborah Fraser-White defines a new brand of feminists alongside the mainstream and the radical: the guilty. Those who subscribe to the core of feminism but...fill in the blank. But you got distracted trying face creams at a department store in the middle of a Women's March, or you've imagined a future of winning the lottery more often than a future without the patriarchy -- all of the caveats that leave many women feeling a little bit guilty. An instant bestseller in the UK, the book incorporates this idea of constant guilt into a modern primer on the state of feminism and the future of the movement. Frances-White starts with the basics of feminism: a bit of history and the main tenets. From there, she delves into big issues of identity, equality, and how we can really make change in today's climate. She also includes interviews with really fabulous thought-leaders like yoga teacher and body positive advocate Jessamyn Stanley. An approachable, voice-driven state of the feminist affairs, The Guilty Feminist will be a rallying cry for those who feel intimidated by the need to be perfect feminists (since there's in fact no such thing).
Cover image of The guilty feminist

Feminists don't wear pink and other lies

amazing women on what the f-word means to them
"A collection of writing, from Hollywood actresses to teenage activists, each telling the story of her personal relationship with feminism"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Feminists don't wear pink and other lies

Gloria's voice

the story of Gloria Steinem--feminist, activist, leader
An illustrated biography of Gloria Steinem, a women's rights activist who founded "Ms Magazine" to help spread her message.
Cover image of Gloria's voice


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