Henzel, Cynthia Kennedy

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Understanding Scientology

Understanding Scientology covers one of the world's newest religions. Scientology, founded in the 1950s by L. Ron Hubbard, has become a controversial faith. Followers believe its philosophies can change the world for the better. Critics point to the religion's legal troubles and alleged misdeeds.
Cover image of Understanding Scientology

Vietnamese immigrants

in their shoes
Provides readers with a look into the lives, challenges, and successes of Vietnamese immigrants.
Cover image of Vietnamese immigrants

Mexican immigrants

in their shoes
Gives readers a compelling look into the lives, challenges, and successes of Mexican immigrants.
Cover image of Mexican immigrants

Eyewitness to the Western Front

Explores the trench warfare in the western front during World War I.

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Follows the adventures and pranks of a mischievous boy growing up in a Mississippi River town in the early nineteenth century.

Inventing the Internet

Looks at the invention of the Internet, focusing on the need for it, its design and testing, and the science behind it.

Taj Mahal

Offers a brief overview of the history of the Taj Mahal, discussing its original purpose, where it is, why it is considered a threatened monument, and what is being done to conserve it.

Great Wall of China

Offers a brief overview of the history of the Great Wall of China, discussing its original purpose, how it was built, why it is considered a threatened monument, and what is being done to conserve it.


Overview of the history of Stonehenge discusses its original purpose, how it was built, where it is, why it is considered a threatened monument, and what is being done to conserve it.

Galapagos Islands

Provides information about the Galapagos Islands, including the archipelago's formation, Darwin's theory of evolution, and today's conservation efforts.


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