Zeiger, Jennifer

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An introduction to the wildlife, history, and culture of Kentucky, how the state is governed, and what role it plays in the United States economy.


Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to the physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitat of bats.
Cover image of Bats

The War in Afghanistan

Examines the causes and conduct of the War in Afghanistan, discusses the roles played by U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and others in the conflict, and looks at some of the results of the fighting.
Cover image of The War in Afghanistan


Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to the physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitat of pandas.
Cover image of Pandas

How to measure volcanic activity

Shows how scientists measure volcanic activity.
Cover image of How to measure volcanic activity


"This book details the life and habits of camels"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Camels

The making of Minecraft

With more than 100 million players around the world, Minecraft is one of the most popular video games of all time. Its unique design encourages players to use their creativity and problem solving skills to build entire worlds from scratch. In this book, readers will discover how the game began as the hobby project of a single independent game designer and grew to become a worldwide phenomenon.
Cover image of The making of Minecraft

Mammoth and mastodon

"Learn all about the ancient animals known as mammoths and mastodons, from how they lived to how they are related to today's elephants."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Mammoth and mastodon


Discusses how stingrays survive in the wild, how they raise their young, and how they are related to other species.
Cover image of Stingrays

Barack Obama

Examines the life and career of Barack Obama, discussing his accomplishments, and describing how his actions have impacted the history and development of the United States.
Cover image of Barack Obama


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