Explores the science and technology of air transportation, including technologies such as x-ray security devices and the use radar for air traffic control. Explains how lift allows airplanes to fly.
Provides information regarding the discovery of radiology and x-ray technology. Explores how doctors diagnosed disease in the early days of medicine and discusses the breakthrough work of Wilhelm Rontgen who first discovered x-rays. Explores the many uses of x-rays, improvements in medical imaging, and the future of this technology.
Shows pictures of objects which are too small, too far away, or too fast to see without mechanical assistance such as microscopes, telescopes, X-rays, and other techniques.
Discusses how x-rays work, with photographs of x-rays of people as well as objects in nature, sports, and technology, with descriptions and informative facts.
Discusses different kinds of machines, from digital thermometers and jet engines to elevators and microwave ovens, describing how they work and how they are used.