Mone, Gregory

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Lewis, Hanna, and Kaya, their resourceful Atlantean friend, embark on an all-new journey through Atlantis, from the sunken underwater world of Evenor to the tunnels below Ridge City. Bonus content includes science and robotics concepts in the story, and a scientist's take on the curious biology of mermaids.


Fourteen-year-old Kaya, of the undersea, high-tech world of Atlantis, and twelve-year-old Lewis, of the climate-threatened world above water, embark on a dangerous adventure when he enters her realm.

Strange nature

the insect portraits of Levon Biss
"Adapted from the adult title Microsculpture, this book for young readers is a unique photographic study of insects in mind-blowing magnification that celebrates the wonders of nature and science. Levon Biss's photographs capture in breathtaking detail the beauty of the insect world and are printed in large-scale formats to provide an unforgettable viewing experience"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Strange nature

Dangerous waters

an adventure on the Titanic
Determined to focus on work rather than books, as his father had, twelve-year-old Patrick Waters leaves Belfast as a steward on the Titanic, but the very wealthy Harry Widener arranges to tutor him, drawing Patrick into association with thieves seeking Harry's very rare edition of Francis Bacon's Essays.

Dangerous Waters

The boys in the boat

the true story of an American team's epic journey to win gold at the 1936 Olympics
"Out of the depths of the Great Depression comes the astonishing tale of nine working-class boys from the American West who at the 1936 Olympics showed the world what true grit really meant. With rowers who were the sons of loggers, shipyard workers, and farmers, the University of Washington's eight-oar crew was never expected to defeat the elite East Coast teams, yet they did, going on to shock the world by challenging the German boat rowing for Adolf Hitler"

Dangerous waters

an adventure on Titanic
Twelve-year-old Patrick leaves Belfast, and his schoolwork, to be a steward on the Titanic, but when a wealthy passenger arranges to tutor him, Patrick finds himself in association with thieves.


Eleven-year-old Fish, seeking a way to help his family financially, becomes a reluctant cabin boy on a pirate ship, where he soon makes friends--and enemies--and is asked to help decipher clues that might lead to a legendary treasure.

Dangerous Waters

The truth about Santa

wormholes, robots, and what really happens on Christmas Eve
Draws on the work of scientists and researchers to humorously discuss the possibility of the existence of Santa Claus and describe how he could accomplish his Christmas Eve endeavors.


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