While eighteen-year-old Janie ponders her future with Cabe, knowing that her being a dream-catcher means eventual blindness and crippling, she encounters her past as the father she never knew is hospitalized with brain trauma and seems to need her help.
Presents a story about two different types of monsters that can be born, proposing two alternatives at each step in the plot as the creature goes to school, makes friends, eats principals, falls in love, and more.
In 2036 New Jersey, when teens are expected to become fanatically religious wives and mothers or high-priced Surrogettes for couples made infertile by a widespread virus, sixteen-year-old identical twins Melody and Harmony find in one another the courage to believe they have choices.
Easy-to-read text invites the reader to choose what to wear, from hats in assorted colors to different kinds of sleepwear, introducing the words for various kinds of clothes.