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Black and white

the way I see it
"The gripping story of Richard Williams, the father who raised and trained two of the greatest women in sports, Venus and Serena. He achieved greatness in spite of hardship and disadvantages to become a successful businessman, family man and tennis coach"--.

American dreamer

my life in fashion & business
In this tale of grit and glamour, setbacks and comebacks, business and pop culture icon Tommy Hilfiger shares his extraordinary life story for the first time.

Forty autumns

a family's story of courage and survival on both sides of the Berlin Wall
In this illuminating and deeply moving memoir, a former American military intelligence officer goes beyond traditional Cold War espionage tales to tell the true story of her family?of five women separated by the Iron Curtain for more than forty years, and their miraculous reunion after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Searching for John Hughes, or, Everything I thought I needed to know about life I learned from watching '80s movies

For all fans of John Hughes and his hit films such as National Lampoon?s Vacation, Sixteen Candles, and Home Alone, comes Jason Diamond?s hilarious memoir of growing up obsessed with the iconic filmmaker?s movies?a preoccupation that eventually convinces Diamond he should write Hughes? biography and travel to New York City on a quest that is as funny as it is hopeless.

Scrappy little nobody

Even before she made a name for herself on the silver screen starring in films like Pitch Perfect, Up in the Air, Twilight, and Into the Woods, Anna Kendrick was unusually small, weird, and ?10 percent defiant.? At the ripe age of thirteen, she had already resolved to ?keep the crazy inside my head where it belonged. Forever. But here?s the thing about crazy: It. Wants. Out.? In Scrappy Little Nobody, she invites readers inside her brain, sharing extraordinary and charmingly ordinary stories with candor and winningly wry observations.

Settle for more

Whether it?s asking tough questions during a presidential debate or pressing for answers to today?s most important issues, Megyn Kelly has demonstrated the intelligence, strength, common sense, and courage that have made her one of today?s best-known journalists, respected by women and men, young and old, Republicans and Democrats.

Follow me

a memoir in challenges
"...YouTube star Ricky Dillon gives you an exciting look into his personal life and reveals the ins and outs of being a young star online"--Provided by publisher.

Escape from Camp 14

one man's remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West
Twenty-six years ago, Shin Dong-hyuk was born inside Camp 14, one of five sprawling political prisons in the mountains of North Korea. This is the gripping, terrifying story of his escape from this no-exit prison-- to freedom in South Korea.

Friendly fallout 1953

Friendly Fallout 1953 is a hybrid work of literature that combines the actual history of atomic tests in the Nevada desert in 1953 with fictional vignettes that explore the impact of the tests on the people who participated in them and on civilian downwinders. Told through the perspectives of military personnel, scientists, ranchers, and others, the stories bring to life a turbulent era when Cold War fears, patriotism, scientific ambition, and popular excitement often collided with the welfare of ordinary citizens and the environment. Ronald compellingly evokes the test explosions in all their terrifying magnificence and explores the diverse and sometimes conflicting emotions of a generation that saw atomic energy as its best protection against the horrors of another world war, even to the sacrifice of the innocent people, wildlife, and livestock that became the accidental victims of this search for national power and security.

Dagger 22

U.S. Marine Corps special operations in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan
"Level Zero Heroes, Michael Golembesky's bestselling account of Marine Special Operations Team 8222 in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan, was just the beginning for these now battle-hardened special operations warriors. The unforgiving Afghan winter has settled upon the 22 men of Marine Special Operations Team 8222, callsign Dagger 22, in the remote and hostile river valley of Bala Murghab, Afghanistan. The Taliban fighters in the region would have liked nothing more than to once again go dormant and rest until the new spring fighting season began. No chance of that--this winter would be different. Along with Afghan and International Security Forces (NATO), the Marines of Dagger 22 continued their fight throughout the harsh winter to shape the battlefield before the Afghan ground began to thaw. From one firefight to the next, the noose began to tighten around the village of Daneh Pasab and the Taliban command cell operating there. On April 6, 2010, a ground force consisting of U.S. Army Special Forces, Afghan Commandos and Marine Corps special operations conducted a night assault to destroy the heavily entrenched Taliban force, breaking their grip on the valley and stopping the spring offensive before it even began. But nothing in Bala Murghab comes easily as combat operations wear on the operators of Dagger 22 as they lean on each other once again in order to complete their mission in one of the most brutal environments on earth."--Provided by publisher.


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