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How and what do animals eat?

Different animals use their body parts in different ways to seek, find, and take in food. Accessible text and detailed photographs help readers understand how animals eat.
Cover image of How and what do animals eat?

Porcupine's picnic

who eats what?
"Porcupine is having a picnic! As more animals arrive, each of them eats something different. But then Tiger shows up. Uh-oh! Back matter offers further information about herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Porcupine's picnic


Flapping their pectoral fins to propel themselves through the water, rays are like the birds of the sea. These gentle giants can be found throughout all the oceans of the world, and they?re likely to pay a visit to humans by hunting for their prey along sandy shorelines. In this book, you?ll learn about four types of rays?stingrays, manta rays, skates, and sawfish. Closely related to sharks, these amazing and unique creatures are a vital part of the ocean?s ecosystem. You?ll learn about where you can go to interact with rays up close?they tend to love human visitors!.
Cover image of Rays

Let's find ads on food packages

Simple text and illustrations explore advertisements on food packaging.
Cover image of Let's find ads on food packages

Animals are delicious

Text and illustrations look at three animal food chains.
Cover image of Animals are delicious

Animal hunters

Discusses the hunting skills of wild land and sea animals, such as the polar bear, tiger, hunting dogs, heron, tawny owl, snake, chameleon, whale, leopard seal, shark, piranhas, dragonfly, and wasp.
Cover image of Animal hunters

Arctic tern migration

Arctic terns travel 44,000 miles every year - the longest animal migration in the world! From pole to pole and back again, these flying machines zigzag across the world to follow the summer.
Cover image of Arctic tern migration

Vampires in nature

This photo-illustrated book for elementary readers describes animals that drink the blood of other animals and even people.
Cover image of Vampires in nature


"What do omnivores eat? Everything! Find out what classifies an animal as an 'omnivore, ' as well as how common features like tooth shape reflect an animal's diet. Get and in-depth look at a wide range of fascinating animals from around the world and introduce readers to ideas about the relationships between animals."--.
Cover image of Omnivore


"What do herbivores eat? Mostly food from plants! Find out what classifies an animal as a 'herbivore, ' as well as how common features like tooth shape reflect an animal's diet. Get and in-depth look at a wide range of fascinating animals from around the world and introduce readers to ideas about the relationships between animals."--.
Cover image of Herbivore


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