This book, illustrated with over 125 full-color photos and drawings, presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for Old English Sheepdogs. Following is a partial listing of the books contents: history of the Old English Sheepdog, description of the Old English Sheepdog, selecting your dog, the new family member, feeding requirements, accomodations, housebreaking your puppy, behavior modification, health care, breeding and index.
This book, illustrated with over 125 full-color photos and drawings, presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for Old English Sheepdogs. Following is a partial listing of the books contents: history of the Old English Sheepdog, description of the Old English Sheepdog, selecting your dog, the new family member, feeding requirements, accomodations, housebreaking your puppy, behavior modification, health care, breeding and index.
This book, illustrated with over 125 full-color photos and drawings, presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for Old English Sheepdogs. Following is a partial listing of the books contents: history of the Old English Sheepdog, description of the Old English Sheepdog, selecting your dog, the new family member, feeding requirements, accomodations, housebreaking your puppy, behavior modification, health care, breeding and index.
Provides information on the history of the Siberian Husky, covering a description of the breed, selection, feeding requirements, accommodations, housebreaking, behavior, health care, and breeding.
This book, illustrated with over 125 full-color photos and drawings, presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for Old English Sheepdogs. Following is a partial listing of the books contents: history of the Old English Sheepdog, description of the Old English Sheepdog, selecting your dog, the new family member, feeding requirements, accomodations, housebreaking your puppy, behavior modification, health care, breeding and index.