Other America

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Teens with eating disorders

Profiles four teenagers with eating disorders, discussing their problems, therapy, and ways in which they have dealt with their food obsession with varying degrees of success.

Teen dropouts

Uses four case studies of teenagers who dropped out of high school to explain who drops out and why and to examine the economic and social consequences of such a decision.


Background information on the history of gangs in America precedes first-person accounts by four gang members from different backgrounds and with differing ideas about the role of gangs in their lives.

People with mental illness

Presents the personal stories of three people with mental illness, discussing how each handles the daily demands of family, education, social life, and medical treatment and finds the strength and courage to continue the battle against this common debilitating condition.

Teens & depression

Text and first-person accounts present the experiences of teenagers who have coped with and tried to overcome depression.


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