Cornwell, Patricia Daniels

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All that remains


Black notice

When a dead body is found in the cargo hold of a ship arriving from Belgium, Dr. Kay Scarpetta is called in to investigate and she soon finds herself trying to outwit a brutal killer who calls himself The Werewolf.

Cruel & unusual



a scarpetta novel
Medical examiner Kay Scarpetta becomes involved in a strange murder mystery when she tries to discover who is committing a string of gruesome murders, but she soon realizes that someone would rather have her dead than completing her investigation.

Cruel and unusual

Trying to solve the murder of a thirteen-year-old boy, Dr. Kay Scarpetta and police lieutenant Pete Marion race against time to find a killer after the fingerprints of a recently executed murderer turn up at a new crime scene.

Cause of death

Medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta, anticipating a quiet New Year's Eve, is called to investigate the death of a reporter found in the waters of a Navy shipyard who was following an explosive story that leads Scarpetta and the FBI into the hands of a cult fanatic.

The bone bed

Receiving a grisly communication in the wake of an eminent Canadian paleontologist's disappearance, Kay Scarpetta investigates the discovery of a body in Boston Harbor and clues about other unsolved cases, a situation that makes Scarpetta wonder who she can trust.

Red mist

Determined to find out what happened to her former deputy chief, Jack Fielding, murdered six months earlier, Kay Scarpetta travels to the Georgia Prison for Women, where an inmate has information not only on Fielding, but also on a string of grisly killings. The murder of an Atlanta family years ago, a young woman on death row, and the inexplicable deaths of homeless people as far away as California seem unrelated. But Scarpetta discovers connections that compel her to conclude that what she thought ended with Fielding's death and an attempt on her own life is only the beginning of something far more destructive: a terrifying terrain of conspiracy and potential terrorism on an international scale. And she is the only one who can stop it.

Point of origin


Black notice



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