Duncan, David Ewing

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Hernando De Soto

a savage quest in the Americas
A biography of the Spanish explorer who was the first European to reach the Mississippi River.


humanity's epic struggle to determine a true and accurate year
Leads the reader on an extraordinary journey through man's reckoning of time, from the earliest calendars throught our struggles with the digital "millennium bug.".

The geneticist who played hoops with my DNA

--and other masterminds from the frontiers of biotech
Profiles the men and women at the forefront of the latest advances in biotechnology and explores how their research will impact human health in the future.


humanity's epic struggle to determine a true and accurate year
Examines the history of man's effort to organize time in civilizations around the world, from one of the earliest calendars made 13,000 years ago, to the atomic clock in Washington D.C. which has been the planet's official time keeper since the 1960s.
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