eastern europe

Geographic Name
eastern europe

Political reform leaders in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Profiles eight leaders for their attempts to introduce functional democracy in their respective countries: Andrei Sakharov, Alexander Dubcek, Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa, Father Jerzy Popieluszko, and Pastor Laszlo Tokes.

Revolution in Europe, 1989

Discusses recent events in Eastern Europe, focusing on the decisive year that saw the fall of Communist governments in several countries.

A new frontier

the Peace Corps in Eastern Europe
Tells the story of volunteer men and women who are working in the ex-communist countries of Eastern Europe. Among them are a former seminarian who is making life a little better for many of Bucharest's tragic street children and an English teacher who in his after-school time has introduced baseball to Bulgarian students.

My swordhand is singing

In the dangerous dark of winter in an Eastern European village during the early seventeenth century, Peter learns from a gypsy girl that the Shadow Queen is behind the recent murders and reanimations, and his father's secret past may hold the key to stopping her.

Causes and consequences of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe

Explores the events that led up to the destruction of communisim in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Central and Eastern Europe

Addresses the developments, changes, and issues that have affected the countries of Central and Eastern Europe which, at the beginning of 1995, were independent, sovereign, and diplomatically recognized states with membership in the United Nations and other international organizations.

Shadow of a hero

In 1989, Letta, an English teenager, learns of her heritage from her grandfather, great-grandson of the legendary hero of Varina, as he becomes involved in the nationalistic political struggles in Eastern Europe.


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