marine pollution

Topical Term
marine pollution

Conservation of the sea

Text and illustrations explain the dangers of affecting the water cycle by polluting the sea.

Tracking trash

flotsam, jetsam, and the science of ocean motion
Describes the work of scientist Curtis Ebbesmeyer, whose project of tracking plastic items accidently spilled by ocean cargo ships has heightened awareness of the dangers to ocean life and has inspired similar projects for other types of debris.

Restless oceans

Discusses the behavior of ocean and tidal currents, research done in the field and large scale sea-air interaction.

Troubled waters

Examines the ways in which humanity is poisoning the waters of our planet and how this pollution can be stopped.

The dying sea

Examines how abuse of the sea by humans threatens ocean life, and, if not controlled, may ultimately threaten the survival of the planet.

Plastic ocean

How a sea captain's chance discovery launched a determined quest to save the oceans
aIn the summer of 1997, Charles Moore set sail from Honolulu for California after competing in a trans-Pacific race. When he and his crew took a shortcut through the seldom-traversed North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, a vast oceanic "desert" where winds are slack, Moore realized his ship was skimming through a plastic soup. He had stumbled upon the largest garbage dump on the planet, soon to be dubbed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch--where plastic outweighs zooplankton, the ocean's food base, by six to one. Here, Moore recounts his ominous findings and unveils the secret life and hidden properties of plastics. Moore includes us in his maritime exploits as he collects samples throughout the oceans, and in his struggle to get the world's attention about the oceans' plight. He describes how plastics gradually emerged as a planetary menace--not just litter, but a potent threat to the ocean environment, and thus to life on earth.--From publisher description.

Oceans in peril

Examines plant and animal resources found in the sea, the effects of human intrusion and pollution, and possible solutions to the threat posed to our oceans.

The ocean

Discusses the importance of the ocean and seashore to life on earth, the serious problems caused by pollution, and what can be done to save this essential resource.

Polluting the oceans

Examines the effects of pollutants on the sea and marine life and efforts to clean up the waters and prevent further damage.

Plastic ocean

how a sea captain's chance discovery launched a quest to save the oceans
Presents the scientific findings of Captain Charles Moore on the status of plastic in the world's oceans, his interest in which was inspired by his chance sailing in the patch of water known as the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre--which at the time held more plastic than zooplankton--and is now named the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.


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