Out of this world

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If an asteroid hit Earth

Examines the origins of asteroids, their effects on hitting the Earth in the past and the present, and many of the asteroids in the solar system.

The history of NASA

Surveys the history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, describing the major space craft and missions launched.

Artificial satellites

Describes the wide array of different types of satellites that have been placed in orbit since the launching of Sputnik I in 1957 and the varied functions they perform, from communications and weather forecasting to astronomy and spy tasks.

Onboard the space shuttle

Examines what it is like for the crews living and working on American space shuttles and discusses the life of the Russian space station Mir and plans for an international space station.

A look at Uranus

Looks at the history and discovery of the planet Uranus.

A look at Venus

Provides a description of Venus, and looks at how scientists have studied the planet.

A look at Mercury

Describes the discovery and observation of the planet nearest the sun, Mercury, including the findings of the Mariner 10 fly-by mission of 1974-75.

A look at Saturn

Provides a description of Saturn, and looks at what scientists have learned from their study of the planet.

Life on other worlds

Examines the possibility that there is life on other planets, discusses the search for evidence, and considers the implications of such a discovery on the people of Earth.

The Hubble Space Telescope

Describes the history of the Hubble Space Telescope and its role in space exploration.


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