While trying to earn money for a motor bike, fourteen-year-old Joe Pederson becomes involved with the Mexicans who work on his family's farm and develops a better relationship with his father.
Although a Mexican family comes to the United States to work as farm laborers so that their children will have opportunities, the parents still consider Mexico their home.
When his mother is sent back to Mexico for not having the proper immigration papers, Jos? and his father travel from San Diego, California, to visit her in Tijuana.
Examines the challenges and experiences of both legal and illegal Mexican citizens who come to the United States, and provides historical details about where they settle and the types of jobs they find.
Fifteen-year-old Victor Flores journeys north in a desperate attempt to cross the Arizona border and find work in the United States to support his family in central Mexico.
Profiles a Mexican woman who saved more than twenty Texan rebels taken prisoner during the Texas Revolution from being shot under General Santa Anna's orders.
When Elena and her little brother, Carlos, leave their Mexican seaside village to search for their immigrant father in Los Angeles, they encounter intrigue, crime, mystery, friendship, and love.
Former Mexican foreign minister Jorge G. Castaneda reveals the truth behind widely held myths about America's Mexican immigrant population, explaining why many Mexican immigrants choose to come to America, how they are treated by the government and American citizens, what challenges they face on a daily basis, and other related topics.