hazardous waste sites

Topical Term
hazardous waste sites

Love Canal

pollution crisis
Traces the history and eventual cleanup of the ecological disaster known as Love Canal, which resulted from building a neighborhood over a chemical dumpsite that poisoned the environment and endangered the health of residents.

Dunc's dump

Dunc and his best friend Amos are sneaking around the town dump. Dunc wants to find out who is polluting the garbage with hazardous and toxic waste. Amos just wants to impress Melissa.

Love Canal

toxic waste tragedy
A color-illustrated overview of the Love Canal disaster that describes the dumping of toxic waste that the Hooker Chemical Company performed for years in the Love Canal neighborhood of Niagara Falls, New York; the subsequent costs to residents' health; and residents' efforts in the 1970s to prompt help from the U.S. government.

Love Canal

Presents an account of the Love Canal environmental disaster of the 1970s, which began when Lois Gibbs, concerned about her son's unexplained illnesses, began asking questions about the effects of toxic chemicals dumped in the Love Canal on neighborhood residents.


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