An account of the life of American patriot Samuel Adams, focusing on his role in convincing colonists of the need to gain independence from Britain. Presented in graphic format.
Presents a graphic biography of the Wright Brothers and their historic flight on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, and describes the impact they had on the future of flight.
Tells the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima in graphic novel format, also providing introductory information on important commanders, the island, and the war with Japan up to that point.
Presents a brief biography of inventor George Eastman in graphic novel format, how he developed the Kodak camera, and how his invention revolutionized the photography industry.
An account of Levi Strauss' creation of blue jeans in the mid-1800s in response to the demand from gold miners in California for sturdy pants. Presented in graphic format.
Presents a short biography of American patriot Nathan Hale written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his life as a soldier, leader, war hero, and American spy.
Presents the story of Alia, a librarian who lives and works in Basra, and her desperate attempt to save the books in the central library at the start of the Iraqi War in 2003.
The three Binkerton children pay a visit to the Good Times Travel Agency and find themselves living in the Middle Ages, where life turns out to be more complicated than just knights and pagaentry.