cartoons and comics

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cartoons and comics

The Little Rock nine and the fight for equal education

Presents a graphic novel of the "Little Rock Nine," nine African American students who were the first to go to a previously segregated school, under armed guard.

Davy Crockett

Davy Crockett tames the American frontier in Texas and fights against the Mexicans in the Battle of the Alamo.

Journey into Mohawk Country

An illustrated children's version of the journal of a young Dutch trader, Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert, who journeyed into the land of the Iroquois Indians, a Mohawk tribe that controlled the trade routes in the area, in 1634, seeking to bolster the Dutch trade in what is now New York State.

Benedict Arnold

American hero and traitor
Presents a brief biography of American traitor Benedict Arnold in graphic novel format, and describes both his heroism and his betrayal during the American Revolution.

Matthew Henson

Arctic adventurer
Presents a short biography of African-American explorer Matthew Henson written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his attempts to reach the North Pole with Robert Peary in the late nineteenth century.

The adventures of Marco Polo

Presents a comic book version of the story of thirteenth-century explorer Marco Polo's journey to China, describing some of the things he saw while in the service of Kublai Khan.

The voyage of the Mayflower

Presents a short history of the voyage of the Mayflower in 1620 written in graphic novel format, and focuses on the reasons why the Pilgrims came to the New World and how they started Plymouth Colony.

The creation of the U.S. Constitution

A graphic novel chronicle of the debates, disagreements, and compromises that led to the formation of the U.S. Constitution.

Molly Pitcher

young American patriot
Presents the legend of Revolutionary War heroine Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley, better known as Molly Pitcher, in graphic novel format, describing her bravery in the Battle of Monmouth.

Egypt's mysterious pyramids

an Isabel Soto archaeology adventure
In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Isabel Soto as she discovers the secrets of Egypt's great pyramids.


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