McCarty, Nick

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The Iliad

Retold by Nick McCarty

Marco Polo

the boy who traveled the medieval world
A biography of the Italian explorer who became famous for his travels in Asia.

Marco Polo

el joven que viaj? por el mundo medieval
Tells the life story of Marco Polo, describing his boyhood in thirteenth-century Venice, his travels in Asia, his time in the court of Kublai Khan, and his legacy.

The Iliad

A retelling of the classic poem by Homer.

Alexander the Great

the real-life story of the world's greatest warrior king

Marco Polo

the boy who traveled the medieval world
Describes Marco Polo's boyhood in thirteenth-century Venice, his travels in Asia, his time in the court of Kublai Khan, and his legacy.

The Iliad

An illustrated retelling of the famous Homeric epic.


the myth and reality behind the epic legend
Presents a narrative of Homer's epic story of the last days of the siege of Troy and of the discovery of the real city of Troy.


the greatest empire of the ancient world
Presents a comprehensive illustrated history of ancient Rome from the legendary story of Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C. to the fall of the Roman Empire by the Goths in 410 A.D.

The Iliad

Presents a retelling of Homer's classic Greek epic of Helen, Queen of Sparta, who is taken by Paris, a Trojan prince, inaugurating the Trojan War and is written for the fifth through eighth-grade classroom.
Cover image of The Iliad
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