The weekend she turns thirteen, aspiring clothing designer Teresa "Reesie" Boone is separated from her family by Hurricane Katrina, but during the horrific storm and its aftermath, begins to find strength in herself.
The reader makes choices to guide the plot of a story in which Addy Walker outruns a slave catcher, raises money for soldiers, and searches for her family in the middle of the Civil War.
A series of vignettes reveal life in the Deep South for African Americans as they experience discrimination in a doctor's office, lynching, and other forms of oppression, especially during the 1960s.
With the help of her white friend Marie-Grace, Cecile, a well-to-do black girl in 1853 New Orleans, plans a secret adventure at a Mardi Gras costume ball.
At the end of the Civil War, Midnight, a fourteen-year-old African-American cowboy and runaway slave who nurtures the dream of being reunited with his family, finds his destiny linked with that of two Arapaho Indians.