cartoons and comics

cartoons and comics

Annie Sullivan and the trials of Helen Keller

A graphic novel that explores the role of Annie Sullivan as teacher and companion to Helen Keller and discusses the bond that formed between the two women as Helen went on to accomplish many feats.

Robert E. Lee

the story of the great Confederate general
In graphic novel format, presents Lee's surrender to Grant at the end of the Civil War, as he recalls some of the war's most significant battles.

Paul Revere's ride

An account of American patriot Paul Revere's famous ride to warn John Hancock and Sam Adams that the British were coming to arrest them and planning to seize weapons gathered by the colonial militia in preparation for the Revolutionary War. Presented in graphic novel format.

Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine

An account of Dr. Jonas Salk's work to find a vaccine to prevent polio, a deadly disease that had been plaguing the U.S. and other countries throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Presented in graphic format.


the handcuff king
A brief biography of escape artist Harry Houdini written in graphic comic format that reveals the secret of some of his stunts.

Roman mythology

Romulus and Remus
Retells the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus and how Romulus came to build the city of Rome. Presented in graphic novel format.

Winter at Valley Forge

A short history of the Continental Army's desperate winter at Valley Forge in 1777, written in graphic novel format, focusing on the events leading up to that fateful encampment and Washington's struggle to keep his army together.

Patrick Henry

liberty or death
Presents a short biography of American patriot Patrick Henry written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his outspoken cause for liberty during the American Revolutionary period.

Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution

Written in graphic novel format, tells the story of how Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution based upon his research on the Galapagos Islands.

Oprah Winfrey

the life of a media superstar
A brief profile, written in graphic comic format, of the life and achievements of daytime talk show host Opra Winfrey.


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