comic books, strips, etc

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comic books, strips, etc


a graphic journey across America
Contains comic strips from twenty-three top alternative cartoonists in which they explore the unique characteristics of different regions of the United States.

The twilight zone

the odyssey of flight 33
On a routine trip from London to New York in the 1970s, Trans-Ocean flight 33 experiences mysterious acceleration and weird atmospheric phenomena that transport the passengers and crew far beyond their destination.

Anya's ghost

Anya, embarrassed by her family and lacking confidence in her body and her social skills, finally finds a friend after falling down a well, but quickly learns there are drawbacks to having a ghost for a friend.

X-men First Class

Tomorrow's Brightest
The next step in human evolution has arrived -- Homo Superior. Mankind isn't sure wheather this represents hope for the future of the end of the human race. In a private school, one brillant mutant is teaching five gifted students what they need to know to survive in this new world. These are the untold stories of Professors Xavier's first class of X-Men.

Baby's in black

Astrid Kirchherr, Stuart Sutcliffe, and the Beatles
Retells the love story between Astrid Kirchherr and Stuart Sutcliffe, the famed "fifth Beatle," who started the band with John Lennon and left to become an artist before the band's rise to fame.

Best shot in the West

the adventures of Nat Love
A graphic novel portrayal of the life of African-American cowboy Nat Love, also known as Deadwood Dick.

The lives of Sacco and Vanzetti

the crime, the evidence, a global cause
A graphic novel account of the lives and deaths of Italian immigrants and admitted anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were accused of murder in Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1920, tried, convicted, and executed, in a case that caused an uproar around the world due to the questionable circumstances surrounding the case.

The Lindbergh child

All was well for Charles Lindbergh after his daring solo crossing of the Atlantic. Fame and fortune came quickly. But soon after the Lindberghs built their dream home far from the madding crowd, tragedy struck--their baby was abducted!.

Samuel Morse and the telegraph

Presents a brief biography of inventor Samuel Morse in graphic novel format, and examines how he developed a working telegraph in 1844 that revolutionized the way people communicated.


the legend of King Arthur, a graphic novel
Retells, in graphic novel form, the tale of Arthur Pendragon who, raised in obscurity, draws a legendary sword from a stone and begins the life he was born to lead, guided by the elusive wizard Merlin.


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