Eleven-year-old Jack Clark struggles with everyday obstacles while his family and community contend with the challenges brought on by the Dust Bowl in 1937 Kansas.
Describes how the science of forensic anthropology helps to identify corpses and solve crimes; and includes three actual crime stories in graphic novel format.
Presents a comic book version of the story of the Boston Tea Party, one of the acts of rebellion taken by patriots against England which led to the American Revolution.
Presents a short biography of American patriot Patrick Henry written in graphic novel format, and focuses on his outspoken cause for liberty during the American Revolutionary period.
Bloort 183, an asexual alien scientist, explains the fundamentals of genetics, covering human DNA, evolution, and other scientific concepts in graphic novel format.
A graphic novel adaptation of "The 9/11 Commission Report," the results of the investigation of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.
Presents a comic book style depiction of the Battle of Gettysburg; the national movement to create a memorial at the battle site; and the day of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in 1863, drawn from first-person letters, speeches, and other primary sources.