
Topical Term

Seeds of change in American history

teacher's guide & assessments
Includes teacher resources that coinside with the books that are in the Seeds of Change in American History series.

Why did the dinosaurs disappear?

Questions about life in the past
This book answers questions about life in the past, including creatures of the sea, the first humans, and many prehistoric creatures.

U X L history fact finder

Provides answers to 750 of the most commonly asked questions about people and events in the history of the United States and the world; grouped by topic in fifteen chapters, with fact boxes, photographs, and cumulative indexes.

The kids' world almanac of history

A survey of history, focusing on such aspects as explorers, inventions and discoveries, disasters, people, and the arts.

Junior Worldmark encyclopedia of the nations

A nine-volume encyclopedia that presents profiles of 192 countries of the world, arranged alphabetically from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Each entry is divided into thirty-five standardized sections on topics like agriculture, education, and climate.

Miss Trimble's trapdoor

Tyler Thompson discovers a hidden trapdoor in Miss Trimble's classroom that conceals a mysterious basement filled with old books and a talking guard dog named Barnabas Bailey, and, with the help of Barnabas, Tyler is transported into the past through the pages of the books he reads.

Norris McWhirter's book of historical records

the story of human achievement in the last 2,000 years
A collection of facts, figures, and information which make up a comprehensive overview of human civilization.

The killing of history

how literary critics and social theorists are murdering our past
Argues that facts about the past are being obscured by "chic" theorizing, threatening the discipline of traditional history, and presents several case studies involving semiotics, structuralism, poststructuralism, postmodernism, and relativism to prove this point.

The truth about history

how new evidence is transforming the story of the past
Presents a collection of facts and details about historical happenings and famous people and uncovers the myth and misconceptions of some accounts as well as shedding light on those thought to be authentic.


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