
Topical Term

The War of 1812

Volume 3 - 1814: Bloody Stalemate

The War of 1812

Volume 2 - 1813: The Border in Flames

Comic books and American cultural history

an anthology
Collects sixteen essays that examine ways in which comic books can be used to understand the history of the United States.
Cover image of Comic books and American cultural history

The human record

sources of global history
Cover image of The human record

How they choked

failures, flops, and flaws of the awfully famous
Describes the failures of fourteen historical, famous achievers, including Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Vincent Van Gogh, Ann Boleyn, and Amelia Earhart.
Cover image of How they choked

History alive!

The United States
Cover image of History alive!

Napoleon's hemorrhoids

--and other small events that changed history
Discusses how small events impacted the outcomes of significant historical events, describing the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Battle of Waterloo, along with Adolph Hitler's real name, the almost stillbirth of Pablo Picasso, and more.
Cover image of Napoleon's hemorrhoids

Pueblos indi?genas

Los pueblos indi?genas son a menudo considerados como administradores principales de los recursos biolo?gicos del planeta. Sus formas de vida han contribuido a la proteccio?n del medio ambiente natural del que dependen.
Cover image of Pueblos indi?genas


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