Knight, Tim

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Powerful predators

Explores the world of predators--plants and animals that find, catch, and kill their food, looking at how eyes, teeth, touch, smell, stalking, fishing, and other senses and methods are used to capture prey.

Marvelous migrators

Explores different ways that animals and insects migrate, from the powerful ruby-throated hummingbird that flies from Canada to Panama and back each year, to tiny spiders that go where the wind carries them.

Magnificent movers

Explores methods of movement used by plants and animals in their efforts to catch food, attract a mate, or escape enemies.

Ferocious fighters

Explores why animals fight with each other, how some behavior prevents fights, different ways that animals fight when they must, and the advantages of being proved the strongest in one's group.

Dramatic displays

Explores how different animals of the land, sea, and air create fantastic displays of light and color as they seek mates, give warnings, or simply gather together.

Journey into Africa

a nature discovery trip

Super survivors

Explores the ways in which different plants and animals adapt to their surroundings in order to survive in new or changing environments.

Incredible life cycles

Explains the circle of life in the plant and animal kingdoms, from reproduction, through their growing years as they adapt to their habitats, to their deaths.

Fantastic feeders

Explores different kinds of food eaten by certain animals and the special teeth or other tools they have for eating that food, as well as some of the ways plants avoid being eaten.

Journey into the rainforest

A color-illustrated adventure through the rainforest that explains what gear to take there and describes the forest's weather, plants, and creatures, as well as nearby village life.
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