Finkelman, Paul

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Dred Scott v. Sandford

a brief history with documents
Presents an overview of the "Dred Scott v. Sandford" case that led to the Supreme Court decision in 1857 that congressional regulation of slavery in the territories was unconstitutional, and that African-Americans had no rights under the Constitution, and includes a selection of related documents.

Milestone documents of American leaders

exploring the primary sources of notable Americans
The second title in the ground-breaking Milestone Document series, this new set pairs primary source texts with expert analysis by esteemed historians. Milestone Documents of American Leaders features important full-text sources written by presidents, jurists, legislators and other influential people who helped shape the nation.

Encyclopedia of the new American nation

the emergence of the United States, 1754-1829
This volume describes the founding period of the U.S., from the early Republic's agricultural fairs to the institutional care for the poor which took place in the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court

Presents a decade-by-decade examination of over one thousand Supreme Court cases decided between 1790 and 2002, and includes case and subject indexes, a copy of the U.S. Constitution, and other references.

Encyclopedia of the United States in the nineteenth century

Presents nearly six hundred cross-referenced, alphabetized entries on the people, politics, economics, war, and technology of the U.S. in the nineteenth century; also includes more than 480 illustrations and maps, and each entry includes a bibliography.

Macmillan encyclopedia of world slavery

Contains 550 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about various aspects of human slavery around the world, examining the topic from geographical, historical, legal, biographical, cultural, social, and religious perspectives. Includes maps and illustrations.

Milestone documents in American history

exploring the primary sources that shaped America
A comprehensive four-volume resource for primary source documents that helped shape American society from the Revolution to the twenty-first century, covering over 130 full-text documents on politics, economics, science, race relations, foreign policy, and religious liberty.

Millard Fillmore

Examines the presidency of Millard Fillmore who came to office from the vice presidency after Zachary Taylor died suddenly in the summer of 1850, arguing that his policy of catering to the South alienated his fellow northerners, creating a rift that led to the demise of the Whig Party and setting the country on the path to Civil War.

The Constitution

Examines the history of the U.S. Constitution written in 1787, and describes the events that led to its formation, those involved, Amendments that were added over its two-hundred-year history, and more.


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