A collection of comics featuring the adventures of Son Goku, a young monkey-tailed boy whose life is thrown into chaos by Bulma, whom he agrees to help in her quest to collect the seven powerful Dragon Balls.
Yu-Gi-Oh fights the original Dark Magician, Mahado, in a three-thousand-year-old battle, unaware if changing the past will change the present; meanwhile, Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda battle an enemy who has been with them all along.
While the merfolk's kingdom is under attack by the humans, Luffy escapes the castle on Fish-Man Island with the princess and they head to the Fort of the Sea.
Yoh Asakura puts his years of training to the test and fights with his gang in the tournament for the ultimate prize--the chance to become the next Shaman King.
Horohoro must save Lyserg, Tamao, and Manta before they can be destroyed by Hao; and Asakura is one of the gifted shamans in training for the ultimate sports event.
Naruto is affected deeply by the five leaders' plan to deal with the rogue organization the Akatsuki, and the new Hokage of Naruto's village prepares to make a final move against Sasuke.