shonen manga

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shonen manga

Nisekoi, false love

Love triangle! Comedic antics!! Gang warfare?! You won't want to miss out on Weekly Shonen Jump's laugh-out-loud feel-good manga series! It's hate at first sight when Raku Ichijo first meets Chitoge Kirisaki. But much to their chagrin, the two are forced into a false love relationship to keep the peace between their feuding gangster families. Meanwhile, Raku's still hung up on the girl he made a promise to ten years ago, keeping a pendant around his neck as a memento. The girl, in turn, holds the key that opens the pendant. To Raku's surprise, he discovers two girls have keys from a promise they also make ten years ago, Chitoge and his current crush Onodera! Making matters worse, another girl with a key appears on the scene...
Cover image of Nisekoi, false love

Nisekoi, false love

Though Raku and Chitoge's false love is off to a rocky start, they have everyone fooled! However, Raku's still hung up on his childhood sweetheart and wears a pendant around his neck as a memento. But one big problem prevents him from finding the girl whom he promised to marry--he can't remember her name or face! To further complicate matters, Onodera, Raku's current crush who also harbors secret feelings for him, accidentally overhears the two arguing over their false relationship!".
Cover image of Nisekoi, false love

Black butler

Earl Ciel Phantomhive reflects on the events after his tenth birthday at Phantomhive manor and when he met his demon butler.
Cover image of Black butler

Dragon ball super

During the battle for the parallel world, Vegeta is injured and Goku is forced to fight the god Zamas alone. It appears that Zamas is too powerful for Goku, and Goku wonders if he and his friends will be able to stop the evil god after all.
Cover image of Dragon ball super

Dragon ball super

Zamas is revealed as the true name behind Goku Black, the Lord of Lords from Universe 10, and now he is not alone--his counterpart from the parallel universe agrees to team up and help him, and when they gather the super Dragon Balls, they become unstoppable. Goku must train with Master Roshi to perfect a move that will seal Zamas away.
Cover image of Dragon ball super

The promised Neverland

Emma and Ray journey to Goldy Pond but face a horde of demons in the unfamiliar forest. They must learn to fight quickly as they cannot count on the adults.
Cover image of The promised Neverland

The promised Neverland

Emma and the other children run after Grace Field House is burned down. But their escape from captivity won't be easy as Mom has an army of demons at her back.
Cover image of The promised Neverland

The promised Neverland

After learning the truth about Grace Field House and hiding in the forest, the orphans make their way out with improved survival skills. Emma, Ray, and the others follow Minerva's message to a secret location where an even greater challenge faces them.
Cover image of The promised Neverland

The promised Neverland

Just before the children plan to escape the orphanage, Mom cruelly breaks Emma's leg and implies that Norman will soon be fed to the demons. Emma and Ray race to save their friend, but the odds are against them. Tragedy strikes and the culmination of all their planning arrives--this is their last chance to escape.
Cover image of The promised Neverland

The promised Neverland

After the children successfully escape Grace Field House, they face danger from the outside world and from the demons pursuing them. Emma and Ray race to lead the children to safety and get unexpected help from a mysterious girl.
Cover image of The promised Neverland


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