Sterling biographies

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Egypt's last and greatest queen
Presents an illustrated history of Cleopatra, a smart and determined figure from Egyptian history, covering the Ptolemy Dynasty into which she was born, the role of women in ancient Egypt, her relationships with Caesar and Mark Antony, her political involvements, and more.

Marian Anderson

a voice uplifted
Chronicles the life of Marian Anderson from her childhood in Philadelphia's poorest neighborhood to her legendary career as a singer, exploring how she overcame racism and social boundaries to sing in the world's greatest concert halls.
Cover image of Marian Anderson

The Wright brothers

first in flight
A brief biography of Orville and Wilbur Wright that profiles their lives and work which includes their interest in powered flight and invention of the airplane.
Cover image of The Wright brothers

Neil Armstrong

one giant leap for mankind
A biography of former American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, who, in 1969, became the first man to walk on the moon.
Cover image of Neil Armstrong

Amelia Earhart

a life in flight
Chronicles the life of pilot Amelia Earhart, discussing her sense of adventure, struggles to promote women's rights, numerous accomplishments, and mysterious disappearance.

Anne Frank

hidden hope
Chronicles the life of Anne Frank, discussing her childhood in Germany, years hiding from Nazi troops during World War II, the journal entries that made her famous, and other related topics.

Helen Keller

courage in darkness
A biography of Helen Keller, who was born without sight and the ability to hear, but was able to overcome her disabilities with the aid of her teacher, Anne Sullivan.

Lewis & Clark

blazing a trail west
Describes the journey taken by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis after leaving Illinois in 1804 to explore the unknown western region of North America where they discovered animals, and landforms, and interacted with several Native American tribes.

Harriet Tubman

leading the way to freedom
Examines the life of Harriet Tubman, a woman who escaped from slavery and then risked her freedom to help others follow in her footsteps along the Underground Railroad.

John F. Kennedy

voice of hope
A collection of illustrated photographs that profile the life, career, and legacy of President John F. Kennedy.


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