political aspects

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political aspects

The English language debate

one nation, one language?
Explores the arguments surrounding the controversy over the sole use of English as a national language.

Justice vs. law

courts and politics in American society
Examines the nature and extent of judicial power in the United States and introduces the intricacies of the judicial process.

Immigration policy

Examines the U.S. immigration laws since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and discusses the issues of both legal and illegal immigration, government policies regarding immigrants and citizens, the economic costs involved, and the question of whether English should continue as the official language of the United States.

Reality television

This is a serious look into the social and cultural significance of reality programming. The dynamics of spectatorship and self-revelation have changed in ways unimaginable just a decade ago. Television once worked as a form of sociality that preserved the private. Times have changed. The evolution of reality programming has accompanied a cultural swing toward revelation and voyeuristic consumption that has complicated the divide between public and private experience. And as the line between what is private and public blurs, reality programming's responsibility to its audience becomes more complicated. -- from Preface.

Game over

how politics has turned the sports world upside down
"Reveals how our most important debates about class, race, religion, sex, and the raw quest for political power are played out both on and off the field"--Provided by publisher.

Rap music

This book is a collection of articles in which authors debate whether rap music promotes violence, whether rap music is harmful to women, and whether rap music is politically thoughtful or effective.

Killing as punishment

reflections on the death penalty in America
The first five chapters of his book "explore in detail a variety of factual issues raised by the death penalty," . . . The last four chapters are concerned with constitutional and ethical issues. Here the author argues that the Supreme Court's arguments are not conclusive; many moral arguments used by opponents of the death penalty are less conclusive than their users believe; and there are reasons favoring the abolition of the death penalty even for the worst murders.

Consent of the networked

the world-wide struggle for Internet freedom

The most dangerous man in the world

how one hacker ended corporate and government secrecy forever
Discusses the founding of the Internet-based whistleblower Web site WikiLeaks and how it emerged as a major player in world politics, and examines the role of its founder, Julian Assange, and his rise to fame.


dispatches from America's Endangered Species Act


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