Kerra Holt's attempt to destroy Sith Lord Odion's munitions factory fails, but she gains vital information about the identity of Odion's spy in the Chelloan mining colony.
Set between Episodes III and IV of the "Star Wars" films tells the story of how two of the lead characters from the animated series "Star Wars Rebels" first came to cross paths.
As tensions escalate on Tatooine between the farmers and a tribe of Sand People led by a ruthless war chief, Ben finds himself drawn into the fight, endangering the very mission that brought him to the desert planet.
Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's quest to clear his name of murder brings him face-to-face with the galaxy's most feared fighting force, the Mandalorians.
After entering a great stone structure and escaping deadly Ugha warriors, Indiana Jones realizes they're not in the true Lost City. He and his company operate an ancient mechanism to reveal Akator and the mysteries the Ugha have been protecting.
Spalko, Dovchenko, and Mac have captured Indy's group and are heading through the Amazon, but Indy, Mutt, and Marion escape to the jungle and are soon joined by Ox, who is desperate to return the crystal skull to Akator.
Eighteen-year-old Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight on her first mission, is left deep in Sith space without any support or resources and realizes how unprepared she is, but will not abandon the Jedi's mission to help the colony.