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Rock what you've got

secrets to loving your inner and outer beauty from someone who's been there and back
Katherine Schwarzenegger encourages girls and women to embrace their inner and outer beauty, accept their bodies no matter what size, and learn to love themselves.

Playstation nation

protect your child from video game addiction
Provides practical advice for parents on protecting their children from computer and video-game addiction.

What makes a hero?

the surprising science of selflessness
Discusses the biology and psychology of why people will make sacrifices to help others.

Under her skin

how girls experience race in America
Presents a collection of essays that examine the idea of racial awareness from the perspective of African-American and Asian-American women, providing personal accounts and descriptions of the fear and indifference they experienced.

Our bodies, ourselves

Presents an updated guide to women's health that addresses all aspects of health issues of concern to women, including information on breast cancer, AIDS, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, obesity, and medical practices and procedures.

Stepping out of line

lessons for women who want it their way-- in life, in love, and at work
A manifesto for women to get what they want in their lives provides practical advice in the arenas of love, work, or the world at large, empowering women to remake their lives and make their dreams come true.

The dolphin in the mirror

exploring dolphin minds and saving dolphin lives
A leading authority on dolphin intelligence shares scientific information about dolphin creativity, emotions, and communication abilities while advocating for stronger dolphin protection laws.

Dog sense

how the new science of dog behavior can make you a better friend to your pet
A renowned anthrozoologist shows how humans can live in harmony with their canine friends, explaining why positive reinforcement is a more effective way to control behavior and how to weigh a dog's unique personality against the stereotypes of its breed.

Slim's table

race, respectability, and masculinity
Examines the distorted media and social images of African-American men and the class structure on Chicago's South Side.

Power tools for women

plugging into the essential skills for work and life


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