Charlip, Remy

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an ABC of finger spelling & sign language
An introduction to two kinds of sign language: finger spelling, or forming words letter by letter with the fingers, and signing, or making signs with one or two hands for each word or idea.

Handtalk birthday

a number & story book in sign language
Words and sign language depict friends helping a deaf woman celebrate her birthday.

Harlequin and the gift of many colors

Due to the generosity of his friends, Harlequin gets a new patchwork suit for Carnival.

Peanut butter party

including the history, uses, and future of peanut butter
Presents the actual responses from children to questions about the history, uses, and future of peanut butter, and includes creative ideas for eating and playing with the sticky food.

Arm in arm

a collection of connections, endless tales, reiterations, and other echolalia
An illustrated collection of verses, tongue twisters, riddles, and seemingly endless tales all of which feature a play on words.


Thirteen picture stories of a magic show, a sea disaster, and other dramas develop separately but simultaneously.

Mother Mother I feel sick, send for the doctor quick quick quick

An extraordinary stomachache is cured when a doctor removes a large number of strange objects from the victim's stomach. Includes instructions for performing the story as a shadow play.

Hooray for me!

Explores an individual's relationship to family, friends, and even pets.

Why I will never ever ever ever have enough time to read this book

A busy girl recounts all of the things she has to do in a day as she tries to find time to read.

Arm in arm

a collection of connections, endless tales, reiterations, and other echolalia
Presents word games and pictorial concepts, many of which seemingly do not end.


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