discrimination in law enforcement

Topical Term
discrimination in law enforcement

Racial profiling

Contains articles that examine the issue of racial profiling in law enforcement.

Police brutality

opposing viewpoints
Authors present differing viewpoints on the issue of discrimination, on the factors that cause police brutality, and on who should police the police.

States of confinement

policing, detention, and prisons
Presents twenty-six essays that discuss the political, social, and economic biases involved in the police and prison systems, including death penalties, electronic surveillance, conviction and sentencing rates, and health care of inmates.

Driving while black

highways, shopping malls, taxicabs, sidewalks : how to fight back if you are a victim of racial profiling
Documents the extent to which racial profiling is practiced in America, and provides information for people whose rights have been violated on how to resist, fight back, and protect themselves.

Police brutality

an anthology
Contains twelve essays in which a variety of authors examine the issue of police brutality, discussing its causes, opposition movements, and its reflection of racism in America.

Police brutality

an anthology
Contains twelve essays in which a variety of authors examine the issue of police brutality, discussing its causes, opposition movements, and its reflection of racism in America.

Racial profiling

Collects twenty-seven essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to racial profiling, debating if it exists, the profiling of Arab Muslims during the War on Terror, if it is generally justifiable, and its consequences.

Racial profiling

Analyzes racial profilling in the United States from a variety of perspectives.

Police brutality

opposing viewpoints
Presents various articles that discuss opposing viewpoints about the breadth of the problem of police brutality, the factors which cause it, and who should be responsible for eliminating it.


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