consumer affairs directors

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consumer affairs directors

Ralph Nader

crusader for safe consumer products
A biography of the consumer advocate who devotes his life to crusading for citizens' rights, such as safer cars, cleaner food, and truthful advertising.

Ralph Nader

crusader for safe consumer products and lawyer for the public interest
A biography of the consumer advocate who devotes his life to crusading for citizens' rights, such as safer cars, cleaner food, and truthful advertising.

Ralph Nader

the consumer revolution
A biography of consumer advocate Ralph Nader, discussing his childhood and education, as well as some of the public safety issues he has tackled over the course of his career.

Crashing the party

taking on the corporate government in an age of surrender
Social critic and activist Ralph Nader chronicles the 2000 presidential campaign, in which he ran for the Green Party, and discusses weaknesses in the other parties and the future of the political system.


crusader, spoiler, icon
Tells the life story of consumer advocate and politician Ralph Nader, covering such topics as his childhood in Connecticut, his campaign against the Corvair, and his battle with Al Gore during the 2000 presidential election.

Ralph Nader

man with a mission
A biography of the consumer advocate who has devoted his life to crusading for citizens' rights, and who ran as the Green Party's presidential candidate in 2000.
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