Look once, look again

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Plant blossoms

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the flowers of apple trees, cosmos, grasses, dandelions, foxgloves, and pussy willows.

In the park

Explores the world of pigeons, rabbits, squirrels, swans, and other animals living among the grass and burdocks of a park.

Plant fruits & seeds

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the fruits or seeds of an apple, maple, oak, hemlock, milkweed, corn, and kiwi.

Among the flowers

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the characteristics of a variety of flowers and some of the birds and insects that need flowers to survive. Includes the sunflower, bleeding heart, daylily, rose, bumblebee, butterfly, and hummingbird.


Explores the world of ants, centipedes, earthworms, star-nosed moles, and other animals living in or on the ground.

In a tree

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the characteristics of some of the trees and animals that can be found in a forest. Includes a caterpillar, raccoon, yellow warbler, owl, and squirrel.

At the pond

Examines the life in and around a pond, including bullfrogs, crayfish, and snapping turtles.

Plant leaves

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the leaves of moss, cabbage, fern, sundew, maple, and the colored leaves of autumn.

Animal tails

Introduces, in simple text and photographs, the tails belonging to a mosquito larva, lemur, guppy, tadpole, pig, earwig, and chameleon.

Animal noses

Describes the ways in which certain animals, such as snakes, dogs, weevils, moths, elephants, and owls, use their noses to pick up scents and breathe.


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