A McGraw-Hill natural science picture book

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The big cats

Animals of the Arctic

The stars

Plants that eat animals

A survey of the four types of carnivorous plants--sticky surface, pitcher plants, snare traps, and suction traps--describing how they ensnare and digest live animals.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

Ants and termites

Discusses the ant's anatomy and nuptial flights, the worker ant, and the habits of different kinds of ants; and termites' swarming, boring, and gardens.

The curious world of snakes

Animals of the Arctic

Apes and monkeys


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