"Add a little drama with this guide to llamas! The fun, engaging design takes its inspiration from social media with text that informs young readers about their life cycle, habitat, and diet"--Provided by publisher.
Llama Llama's mother takes good care of him when he has to stay home from school because he is sick, but when Mama Llama begins to feel sick, too, Llama Llama knows how to take care of her.
"Developed by literacy experts for students in kindergarten through grade three, this book introduces llama or alpacas to young readers through leveled text and related photos"--Provided by publisher.
Zelda Zebra encourages Llama Llama and his classmates to create unique Valentine's Day gifts. But Gilroy Goat doesn't feel special, so Llama Llama helps him figure out what makes him unique.
"Read about the lives of long-necked llamas! Why do llamas spit? What's the difference between a llama and an alpaca? Find out everything you need to know about this amazing animal"--Back cover.
"When Mama Llama says it's time to clean up, Llama responds like any child more interested in playing than cleaning . . . by ignoring her! But Mama has an imaginative response of her own. What if she never cleaned? What would happen then? Well, Llama Llama is going to find out!"--Amazon.