young adult fiction, english

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young adult fiction, english

The science of Philip Pullman's His dark materials

The authors examine the actual science that underlies the fictional story of Philip Pullman's " His Dark Materials" trilogy.
Cover image of The science of Philip Pullman's His dark materials


an annotated guide to children's fiction in series
A selective, annotated list of fiction in series and sequels written for children and young adults.

Reading their world

the young adult novel in the classroom
Contains thirteen essays in which various authors discuss aspects of the reading, writing, and teaching of young adult novels; and includes a searchable CD-ROM with nearly two thousand review of young adult books.

A reference guide to historical fiction for children and young adults

Lists historical fiction written since 1940 alphabetically by the author's last name.

100 books for girls to grow on

Offers bibliographic information and short descriptions for one hundred different books for children that help inspire creativity and build mother-daughter relationships.

Los misterios de la materia oscura

conoce las claves del universo de Philip Pullman
Analyzes Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy and how it is rooted in scientific truth.

Supernatural fiction for teens

500 good paperbacks to read for wonderment, fear, and fun
Lists 500 paperback books for teens, younger teens, and adults. Includes annotations.

Beyond the Golden Compass

the magic of Phillip Pullman
Concepts developed in Philip Pullman's book The Golden Compass are discussed and analyzed. Includes an exclusive interview with Philip Pullman, in-depth interviews with experts of history and literature, re-enactments shot in the story's actual locations, and more.

Philip Pullman, master storyteller

a guide to the worlds of His dark materials


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