Man-made disasters

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"Early readers will learn about the science behind the Chernobyl disaster through carefully leveled text and photo illustrations. Includes glossary and index"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Chernobyl

Deepwater Horizon

"Early readers will learn about the science behind the Deepwater Horizon disaster through carefully leveled text and photo illustrations. Includes glossary and index"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Deepwater Horizon


Early readers will learn about the science behind the Challenger disaster through carefully leveled text and photo illustrations.


"In Titanic, early fluent readers will learn about the science behind the ill-fated voyage of this 'unsinkable' ship..."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Titanic


"Early ... readers . . . learn about the science behind the crash of th[e] ... airship Hindenburg"--Amazon.
Cover image of Hindenburg

Oil spills

Describes specific oil spills such as the one caused by the oil tanker Exxon Valdez, examines their effects on the environment, and discusses efforts to prevent future disasters.

Airplane crashes

Discusses saftey issues, types of disasters, rescue methods, and investigations of airplane crashes, as well as exploring future saftey procedures.

Building collapses

Examines the causes of building collapses around the world including structural defects and man-made tragedies and discusses rescue efforts and investigations, as well as the efforts made to prevent further disasters.

Toxic waste

chemical spills in our world
Explores how dangerous chemicals can be released into the environment, the harm they can do, and what can be done in the future to prevent such disasters as the release of cyanide into Europe's Tisza River in 2000.

Sludge and slime

oil spills in our world
Explores what oil is and how it is used, the harm that is done when it is spilled into the ocean, and what can be done in the future to prevent such disasters as the 1989 wreck of the Exxon Valdez.


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