
Topical Term

Understanding allergies

Explores the science of allergies, explaining why people get allergies, what causes allergic reactions, and what people can do to treat and prevent allergic reactions. Includes a glossary.

Tucker's nose knows

an allergy detection dog graphic novel
Tucker is a poodle training to become an allergy detection dog -- strong, calm, hypoallergenic, and a good listener.

The peanut pickle

a story about peanut allergy
Presents a children's story that focuses on allergies to peanuts and offers suggestions on reading ingredients on labels, turning down certain foods, and other important details connected to peanut allergies.


"Hoping to adopt a pet to find a sense of belonging in her busy family, Maggie is disappointed to discover she is severely allergic to anything with fur and tries to find a pet to love anyway"--OCLC.

This makes me happy

"Follows a young girl on a field trip to the fair, complete with a roller coaster, pie-eating contest, and petting zoo! But when her pesky nut allergy keeps her from having a treat with her class, the girl learns that even the happiest of days can have unhappy moments. By reflecting on her trip and recognizing the many feelings that arose during it, she is able to feel less overwhelmed--and more confident"--Provided by publisher.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes a person with an allergy might start itching or get a rash. Uh-oh, it's an emergency! Prepare young readers to empathetically understand and care for a friend with an allergic reaction. Learn what's happening, how to be a helper, and ways to keep your friend safe. A bright design and carefully crafted text takes fear out of emergencies to make them easier to understand.

Everything, everything

"The story of a teenage girl who's literally allergic to the outside world. When a new family moves in next door, she begins a complicated romance that challenges everything she's ever known. The narrative unfolds via vignettes, diary entries, texts, charts, lists, illustrations, and more"--Provided by publisher.

A dog called Whatnot

Tim and Grandad are thrilled when they find a stray dog in the park, but when Tim's sister Louisa starts sneezing when the dog is around, they fear they will have to give up their new friend.


"The invasion begins--but not as you'd expect. It begins with rain. Rain that carries seeds. Seeds that sprout--overnight, everywhere. These new plants take over crop fields, twine up houses, and burrow below streets. They bloom--and release toxic pollens. They bloom--and form Venus flytrap-like pods that swallow animals and people. They bloom--everywhere, unstoppable. Or are they? Three kids on a remote island seem immune to the toxic plants. Anaya, Petra, Seth. They each have strange allergies--and yet not to these plants. What's their secret? Can they somehow be the key to beating back this invasion? They'd better figure it out fast, because it's starting to rain again"--Provided by publisher.


"At home, Maggie is the odd one out. Her parents are preoccupied with the new baby they're expecting, and her younger brothers are twins and always in their own world. Maggie thinks a new puppy is the answer, but when she goes to select one on her birthday, she breaks out in hives and rashes. She's severely allergic to anything with fur!"--.


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