Relates the experiences of novelist Douglas Preston and crime reporter Mario Spezi as they try to track down the Monster of Florence, a serial killer who targeted lovers parked in their cars.
Andy and Frannie meet the artist Leonardo da Vinci while visiting Florence, Italy, and are transported to 1504 where Leonardo shows them the great cathedral, markets, and famous sights of the Renaissance city.
Presents George Eliot's 1862 novel about Romola, a woman who, having grown up subservient to her scholar-father, and endured an unhappy marriage, has a passionate intellectual and spiritual awakening in Renaissance Florence.
Presents the life and accomplishments of the fifteenth-century ruler of Florence who was renowned for his passion for the arts, and who sponsored Michelangelo.
banking, metaphysics, and art in fifteenth-century Florence
Parks, Tim
Presents an overview of the history of the Medici family, Florentine bankers and one of Europe's great dynasties, including information on how they built a fortune in banking by lending money at interest.
A catalog to the 2002-2003 exhibition which showcases art produced in Florence under the influence of the first Medici grand dukes from 1537 to 1631, with essays that discuss the ties between the Medicis and Michelangelo, as well as their sponsorship of other artists.
Margot Harrington, an expert at book conservancy, discovers a volume of sixteen erotic drawings by Giulio Romano accompanying sixteen steamy sonnets by Pietro Aretino in a convent library. When published over four centuries earlier, the Vatican had insisted all copies be destroyed. This one--now unique--volume has survived.