dividing three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without remainders
Ruffin, Frances E
Provides information about different aspects of creating a park in a vacant city lot, and looks at how division is used to help accomplish various tasks.
understanding math operations involving decimals and integers
Linde, Barbara M
Provides an introduction to money management, and offers an opportunity to work with decimals and integers through a look at budgets, banks, and savings and checking accounts.
Photographs and text describe how math was used to solve problems relating to the Hoover Dam including how much concrete and other building materials were needed and the environmental issues that arose as a result of the dam.
Looks at how temperatures are measured, and provides an introduction to positive and negative numbers through visits to places throughout the world that experience temperature extremes.
comparing and analyzing charts, graphs, and tables
Shea, Therese
Photographs, illustrations, and text describe how math is used in comparing and analyzing charts, graphs, and tables while learning how America's electoral system works.