Understanding Islam

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core beliefs and practices
"Provides an overview of [Islam] that will help readers to understand what Muslims believe and value, as well as how Muslims practice their faith in their everyday lives"--Back cover.

Islamism and fundamentalism in the modern world

" ... details the historical and political context that gave rise to modern Islamist movements and groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). It also surveys fundamentalist movements in a variety of countries and regions, and outlines the ongoing challenges Islamic fundamentalism presents for the United States and its allies"--Back cover.

The struggle for identity

Islam and the West
"Explores the history of contact between the Muslim and Western civilizations during the fourteen centuries since Islam was established"--.

Ideas & daily life in the Muslim world today

Analyzes the data collected from twenty years worth of polling collected by groups like the Gallup Organization and the Pew Research Center which tracked attitudes and opinions of tens of thousands of people living in predominantly Muslim countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Egypt. Questions addressed the views of Muslims toward their local political systems, culture, religion, family life, and the United States--.

The monotheistic faiths

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
"The followers of the three major monotheistic faiths--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--make up more than half of the worlds population. Each of these religions traces its descent to the patriarch Abraham, who was the first man to completely submit to the will of a single, all-powerful God. Yet despite this shared heritage, there are important differences in the religious beliefs of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. This book provides the historical context in which each of these three important monotheistic religions developed, an overview of the essential beliefs and religious practices expected of each faiths followers, and a discussion of how Jews, Christians, and Muslims have interacted in both the ancient and modern worlds"--Back cover.

An overview

who are the Muslims
"Provides a snapshot of life in the Islamic world, with an overview of the countries in which Muslims live, basic information about the beliefs shared by all Muslims, and the history of the spread of Islam throughout the world. The book also examines Islamic law and its importance to Muslims, and discusses the role of Islam in governments throughout the Islamic world."--Back cover.


core beliefs and practices
In recent years there has been a great interest in Islam and the more than 1.6 billion people around the world who practice this religion. Islam: Core Beliefs and Practices provides an overview of this major world religion that will help readers to understand what Muslims believe and value, as well as how Muslims practice their faith in their everyday lives. The book provides the historical background of Islam's emergence on the Arabian Peninsula during the seventh century and traces the spread of the faith throughout the world during the centuries that followed, along with information about the major Islamic sects, an explanation of Islamic laws and practices, details of important Islamic celebrations and festivals, and a discussion of important issues that Muslims face today.

Muslim heroes and holy places

From its modest beginnings on the Arabian Peninsula nearly 1,400 years ago, Islam has grown into the world’s second-largest religious faith, with more than 1.6 billion believers worldwide. Islamic civilization has a long and rich history characterized by magnificent achievements in the arts, science, and culture. Many individuals have played important roles in the development and spread of the Islamic faith and Islamic civilizations.

Muslims in America

Provides an in-depth look at the Muslim experience in the United States including the past, present, and future of the American Muslim community and how misunderstandings about Muslim beliefs can lead to discrimination and alienation.

Muslims around the world today

Explores the diversity of Muslims around the world, discussing differences in beliefs and practices between groups and the challenges Muslims face wherever they live.


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