Nesb?, Jo

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Who cut the cheese?

New adventures await Doctor Proctor, Lisa, and Nilly as they try to protect Oslo, Norway, from invading aliens, enormous snakes in the sewers, seven-legged Peruvian sucking spiders, and sinister waffle irons.

Bubble in the bathtub

Doctor Proctor, an inventor of bizarre things, uses his time-traveling bathtub to go back in time and fix some things, but when he cannot get back, Nilly and Lisa meet him in the past with some of the magical fart powder he invented.


Set in the 1970s in a run-down, industrial town, this book centers on a police force struggling to shed an incessant drug problem. Duncan, the chief of police, is idealistic and visionary, a dream to the townspeople, but a nightmare for criminals. The drug trade is ruled by two drug lords, one of whom--a master of manipulation named Hecate--has connections with the highest in power, and plans to use them to get his way. Hecate's plot hinges on steadily, insidiously manipulating Inspector Macbeth: the head of SWAT and a man already susceptible to violent and paranoid tendencies. What follows is an unputdownable story of love, guilt, political ambition, and greed, exploring the darkest corners of human nature and the aspirations of the criminal mind.
Cover image of Macbeth

Silent (but deadly) night

Dr. Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa set out to find Santa and save Christmas after the king of Norway sells the rights to the holiday to money-hungry Mr. Thrane.
Cover image of Silent (but deadly) night

The son

Thirty-something, Sonny Lofthus has been in a Oslo prison for the last dozen years for crimes he didn't commit, pacified by an uninterrupted supply of heroin, and surrounded by a host of corrupt individuals determined to keep him jailed, but when he learns the truth about his father, who had earlier been exposed as a corrupt cop, he makes a brilliant escape to hunt down the people responsible for the crimes he has been paying for.

The magical fruit

When a Russian billionaire robs the Norwegian Gold Reserve and melts the last remaining gold bar into the Premier Soccer League trophy, it's up to Doctor Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa to recapture it.


Waking up with no memory of the dinner he had shared with a former girlfriend, investigator Harry Hole is shocked to learn that the woman had committed suicide after their evening together and pursues a suspicion that foul play is involved.

The devil's star

Alcoholic detective Harry Hole has two missions: catch a serial killer obsessed with the number five, who cuts a finger off each victim and adorns her with a red pentagram; and expose his crooked partner, Tom Waaler.

The redbreast

A tale moving from the final months of World War II to the present, and from the Russian front to contemporary South Africa, follows the dual adventures of a freedom-seeking war martyr and an alcoholic police officer who is drawn into a mystery with past origins.


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