
Topical Term

Berkeley High School slang dictionary

Contains a collection of slang words from African American, Chicano, Jewish, sports, movie, hip hop, and drug sub-culture as well as words from the 1960s beatniks generation to show how different cultures and communities have communicated over the years.

Presidential voices

speaking styles from George Washington to George W. Bush
Describes how the presidents of the United States have spoken and how Americans have received them, including regional accents, the influences of speechwriters, and words presidents have favored, and contains linguistic profiles of the forty-three presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush.

By different paths to common outcomes

Discusses the ways young children learn to read and write, exploring such topics as literacy awareness, concepts about print in English and other languages, fostering independence in early writing, introducing storybooks, and accommodating diversity.

Cowboy lingo

Defines a variety of words and phrases used by cowboys in the American West.

My momma likes to say

Presents an illustrated collection of rhymes based on quirky expressions adults use that may not always be understood by children, such as "You're the apple of my eye," or "Reach for the stars," and includes an explanation of each saying.

The first thousand words in Russian

with easy pronunciation guide
This book is for everyone starting to learn Russian. By looking at the pictures, it will be easy to read and learn the words underneath each one.

The first thousand words in Hebrew

with east pronunciation guide
This book is for everyone who is starting to learn Hebrew. By looking at the pictures, it will be easy to read and learn the words underneath each one.

The first thousand words in French

with easy pronunciation guide
This book is for everyone who is starting to learn French. By looking at the pictures, it will be easy to read and learn the words underneath each one.

The baby signing book

An illustrated guide to teaching American sign language to babies and toddlers, with 350 basic signs, favorite songs and rhymes in sign, and activities to help develop speech and language skills.

Oral language and early literacy in preschool

talking, reading, and writing
Presents a practical guide for the preschool classroom that helps to develop oral language skills, and contains assessment tools, a glossary of key terms, and planning suggestions.


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