
Topical Term

Explore the deadly world of bugs, snakes, spiders, crocodiles and hundreds of other amazing reptiles and insects

the dramatic lives and conflicts of the world's strangest creatures shown in 1500 amazing close-up photographs
Contains a guide to the world of snakes, crocodiles, alligators, lizards, turtles, spiders, beetles, bugs, and butterflies along with other species of insects and reptiles. Focuses on their physical characteristics, habits, diet, and defense mechanisms. Is accompanied by over 1500 wildlife photographs and illustrations.

Seashells in my pocket

AMC's family guide to exploring the Coast from Maine to Florida
Details the many kinds of plants and animals that can be found along the United States' Atlantic Coast and features easy-to-use locator maps that reveal where many species are found. Includes tips and advice on keeping safe and protecting the shoreline environment.

The Audubon Society field guide to North American seashells

Identifies 671 common seashells found on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada.

Dusted and busted!

the science of fingerprinting
Presents a collection of real-life cases that were solved through the science of fingerprinting.

Wildflower identifier

Color photographs and brief text describe 130 of the most common wildflower species found in North America.

National Audubon Society North American birdfeeder handbook

Text and color photographs teach how to watch, identify, and attract birds by providing food, water, and nestboxes. Includes profiles of eighty of the most commonly observed birds in North America.

Sea mammals of the world

Illustrations and text describe the background, lifestyles, and interesting features of seals, whales, sirenians, and those that live on the edge of the sea, such as polar bears and marine otters.

The National Audubon Society field guide to North American birds

Provides identification information and color photographs of 508 birds of eastern North America.

National Audubon Society field guide to fishes

Maps, text, and photographs help identify more than 635 species of freshwater and saltwater fish, providing information on each species' identifying marks, distribution, and physical characteristics.

Bizarre birds

A field guide to odd birds such as roseate spoonbills, snail kites, anhingas, burrowing owls, and greater prairie chickens.


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